> was not aware that they were this close to your own (past)life already
I mean I was not aware (You) were this close to your past life already or "met" Yourself and was able to experience life as other (You) in dreams and such.

> they understand this instinctively, while for westerners it must be explained.
"Westerners" think being "civilized means" accepting all form of degeneration as "normal" and not as the sole reason why every empire fell into ruin...
Whatever I sorta understand how they "dip" into every type of degeneration and lose/destroy themselves in the process. What you said how "Moloch works via keeping you sated" means he gives way for every degenerated desire of yours to be fulfilled. The soviets said this will be the downfall of the west but they did not realize it will take them 40+ more years to happen. They expected this to happen in the 80s