> I guess this represents how my mind is a kitchen, where everything is transformed in neat order.
You really have some weird "ingredients" there and was thinking of your mansion's kitchen procedure while seeing this and if I am maybe in the "mansion" but realized nope this is your mind and obv we are making our surroundings look like our mind or the surroundings makes us our mind into that shape. Dreams resolving very old and very deep emotions always happen in my childhood home. I very rarely have dreams playing out in the place I live for more than a decade now. 

Also it seems I have "attack dogs". 2 special ones. One like that the Anon described with black muscles. That dog is like a "stillborn". The skin/fur did not even manifest because he just manifested to "kill" and then he returns into the "unmanifest". There is no point to "put more effort" into things like that. Muscle made from pure hatred legs to run fast and a jaw to bite hard. Are you an evil spirit with a form? Sucks to be you! The other one was just some etheric skeleton and once it touches anything it explodes. It literally overcharges itself with energy while touching anything. Are you a formless entity who is here because found a stable energy formation that is still untouchable but able to haunt and fuck with thoughts/emotions? BOOM! And because "existence is pain" they just want to get over the job fast and return into the unmanifested bliss. No fear of death or anything. 
Also I have a turtle too. Don't ask about the turtle. He is the scary one of the bunch.
Am still handling the Gepard tho. It seems he is sorta responsible for my nerve overcharges.

> they have no concept of what is possible or how things "work" so they can pull off things like this simply because they lack critical thinking.
I hated how that was beaten out of me when I was a child. Took a little time to get it back. Unbelievable how normalfags can operate without intuition and "teach" how their faulty "reasoning" is the "key to live" while proving they are everything but reasonable...