> But they are able to break the rules of consensus reality on occasion, right?
They are not "breaking the rules" it's quite the opposite. They understand the "Higher rules" and operate via it. There are extremely complicated energetic formations that you have to understand while you "insert" yourself into a reality/timeline.
> Otherwise sightings of supernatural phenomena would be nonexistent
You have a "right" to see/experience the "supernatural" and the more you work with it the more common it becomes. Different parts of "reality" have different "awareness levels" which usually mean how close they are to the spirit worlds/other dimensional layers and that decides how easy is for them to manifest and how much it is "allowed". It's not just about a "limitation" but more about the necessary "hassle". Just because you are a god doesn't mean you are free to do as you please. Gods have their own gods and they have rules/methods.
> Jesus told his disciples not to touch his body when he was reborn, which indicates that he may not have been entirely physical, despite his high level of ability...
You kinda misunderstand. The energy that consists the body of a "holy Lich" especially if he has no proper mastery of it can not just "melt" flesh and bone but do way too many damage to those that "lack real power". I am saying this because some entities "touching you" will short circuit your nervous system you will be unable to breath and your heart will skip a beat or suddenly beat fast because your energy field does not know what is happening while you are a novice and at higher levels the entities are the one that have to make sure it is "safe" for them to access your energy field because a wrong emotional response might throw them out of existence. What you asked is no easy matter and asking for "proof" is futile because...
> this not manifesting as a freak industrial accident or something? Seems I can only think of violent examples here but you get the point.
As you said here is not just about how it "manifests" it's how "humans want to interpret it so they can feel comfortable that the world appears as it is". You have no idea what extreme energies humans generate while being ruled by fear/confusion. Also a "demon manifesting IRL" usually makes a big fuss so killing someone via "bad luck" is not that big of a "problem" that you will be eaten alive via karmic forces. Reality has an "immune system" and once you think you are "above the game" you will have to learn what it means to be truly part of the game.