> What I'm looking for is some evidence that it's possible to cross the occult-fantasy barrier
 it is like wanting an evidence that a murderer is truly a murderer by giving him a knife and being alone with them in a room. So if the murderer knows he can get away with it or he is unhinged he will kill you... Would you still be part of that experiment or will you try to find a way to be out of that room before the murderer has a chance to murder you. I am only saying this because once the
> cross the occult-fantasy barrier
will happen you will have an extremely clear mind so you don't go mad. It's not just about the experience it is about how your body your energy field panics in the moment. Were you in a life or death situation? How you felt there? Did you get paralyzed from fear or your instinctual quick thinking triggered and avoided the situation. The only reason why I am saying this because that "moment of truth" is something not everyone is able to "overcome" and able to handle properly so they end up in mental wards where they get fed lies how it is "just their mind" then get put on meds and with that they become so mentally weakened they will be harassed via low level entities as long they don't get a grip on themselves. But this is for those who have a "feel for the otherside" by default. It might not play out for you this way but looking for "evidence" is like looking for evidence how our politicians are (not) corrupt. Are politicians only corrupt when the justice system deems them so by legal definition or when everyone knows they are corrupt but they are still in power? This is the "trick" of the consensus reality. When does "consensus" start "mattering". And how are the "laws" working if they work at all.
> they appear in the cracks of conflict
Also this is important. Chaos. There is a level of chaos that you might "diffuse" with your "own chaos" or you are allowed to "increase it" because it is allowed because it is already a chaos but at that level you can blame no one but yourself for the consequences. At extreme levels of chaos no one knows what is going on and there will be a simple answer explaining what happened. It was just a storm or something. A freak accident. As most people don't know how politicians spend their taxed income most people don't know or care about the supernatural when it is too complicated/dangerous. The blissful ignorance is a choice some still can take. Those who know know. But even them are not sure of some details. And it is always good idea to calm mundanes with simple explanations. Raging mundanes cause more problems sometimes than raging spirits. Look at the current state of affairs for example.

Not to mention some events have some a deep impact on reality the "ripples" will start affecting the "creative layer" too. It will be a chicken or the egg scenario. Did someone get inspired from RE or the creator of RE managed to connect to the plane of information that got influenced via the events playing out now. It will be quite maddening while you walk forward that the synchronicities increase and you are able to notice the thing everywhere that you barely noticed at all. This is how it is with the "crossing of the fantasy/occult barrier". It was always there you are now just able to notice it/handle it.