According to Scarlet (the creator of the method), he was the golem soul of Napoleon, chosen because of its leader qualities. He was entirely controlled and upheld by Scarlet, when he was no longer needed to spread the practice, she removed the Gong which had been used to keep him fit. There were rumours about him online, and at the time I only realized the egregore was suddenly filled with shit, so I detached from it completely and deleted all FB contacts and bookmarks.

No new picture of him has been posted online, things were only implied, but Scarlet (or the Queen, I don't remember) said he developed a hunchback in 6 months and his aging suddenly caught up with him. This made him panic and he did exactly what the people he himself warned about in ZF did; when the "futi" (possessing spirit) leaves, the master loses his abilities, and he will then start accepting other people's karma to maintain his reputation. So he changed the egregore of the exercises and started siphoning energy from it, and apparently he had no ability to see that it was all shit.

I feel like the last of the FG movement in the west was when they went all in for Trump and said he was a god (actually meaning it), called Covid "the communist virus" and then wanted the connect the election fraud with the CCP via communists in Venezuela. It was so forced and cringy I don't want to think about it.