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Strange, I guess the princess(?) Wants to reinforce the connection once more but I got visited by three kitsune I'm my sleep, both had fair, white skin and the usual fox traits but they black lines over their body, I can't remember if they turned me into one of the or whisked me away somewhere. Someone looking like Raiden Shogun (or was it actually her...?) Stalking me on an island and not allowing me to leave, the island was mostly women, I think I got turned into the usual (woman) and everyone was nude, there was like only one naked dude, he looked Armenian aside from him coming on a bit too strong he didn't appear dangerous. After waking from a short nap a few minutes ago, I kept getting pulled into some space where a girl kept giving me perfume or some kind of water to take (I can't remember if it was to drink or apply it elsewhere) so I went along with it, Everytime I got lost or separated, she wouldn't constantly reel me back to where she much like what EI was doing, albeit not as ambiguous. Everytime she brought me back to her vicinity she gave me more of whatever this solution was and I took it and couldn't be sperated from her any more. I don't know if it was some kind of purification or what but whatever it was I dont think she was lying about not being sperated from her and constantly feeling her around myself