Ahhh sorry about that, I was admittedly rushing due to some irl matters but I'll try to be more descriptive now that I have time. First:
> Last night, or rather this morning at 4:00 AM when I went to bed, I recall being visited by two kitsune, they had black lines on their body but had pale/fair skin and fox traits like the tail and such
> They were following me around and being subductive(?) Toward me
> I was curious but eventually got caught off guard. I recall them putting me in a circle with them and taking me somewhere
> I vague recall possibly getting turned into a kitsune again
> I was on island, I think i was a girl (my male body got forcibly shed, but it wasn't through my own power or voluntarily... From what I can recall)
> It was an island akin to what APHRODITE(?) Showed me but there wasn't really much bloodshed and was mostly all women apart from the weird Armenian guy I mentioned, they were all naked
> The guy, as I said earlier kept hitting on me but he didn't appear sinister or anything, just a weirdo 
> After some time passes there was a raft that came up, I went on it, since I wanted to explore out a bit
> But there was some some super long rope, almost ethereal and i got yanled back to the island, turns out it was the girls
> At some before and after that I could sense a lady that looks like exactly like Raiden Shogun from genshin following me and observing, after I got pulled back to the island she appear and while I can't remember the specifics of the conversation she pretty much said I'm to be with them and borderline doting on me affectionately like a child
> Unfortunately this is really vague but I'll try to remember what I can
> The girl had pink(?) Hair, Lolita dresses and her demeanor was... I can't really put it into words
> She also did stuff with perfumes and other solutions
> I kinda just kept to myself, away from everyone but she kept approaching me, giving me some tonic to use on myself
> Like I said; I followed her instructions and used Everytime it was given but whenever I tried to be get away from others to be one for "me time" or other things she would always appear
> I recall being on my laptop doing something (maybe playing a game) and she showed up again, doing the same thing but we talked for a bkt
> She said something about a mark or that the solution would purify or change me into something she can be around/that I can be around her
> The tonic itself was as clear as water, it didn't really have any other distinguishing characteristics
> The third time she pretty much pulled a "GET OVER HERE" and dragged me over to her, she wasn't aggressive or angry with me and she gave me the tonic again and I drank(?) it. Then she proceeded to tell me that from now she's with me/marked and that I'm not allowed to be by myself, almost being yandere. 
> "You're not allowed to leave my sight" she said. I think tested it out and I was left to myself a for a minute and it was probably due to the tonics but I genuinely didn't want to be without her and located her to be near her at all times
> Needless to say this is something I genuinely won't ever forget even if I wanted to