> I think something in the collective subconscious was clear up a few years ago, and that removed some "support wheels" from how we type.

That also happens with me IRL. If I am not watching my energies people make speech pattern errors around me. It is because I am somewhat increasing the "flow of sentience/consciousness" so if I let my own hubris overtake me I can notice it on others too. I don't really consider them "support wheels" but sort of weird energy formations that are finally destroyed.
> I started making "native mistakes" like mixing up "there" and "their" 
Same especially after I started to not "pay attention" to the words but made an image in my head and tried to word it and because with that this whole thing somewhat turns into automatic writing and that makes you make these mistakes.
> once I forgot that "this is my second language"
For me english is my 3rd and while learning english I realized the "trick" is not to learn it but try to "speak it" so once you think this is your own language you can intuitively learn 3-5 times as fast. Ofc you will need to either talk with others in this language or consume media with this language to work and because of this i made a rule
> Only learn languages/skills that I can immediately use for something beneficial 
With that your subconscious goes back to the superfastlearning stage like you had when you were a baby. Instead of the slow ass methodical learning that was beaten into me in the early years of elementary school... That way of thinking only has value in school and (pedantic) academic settings but IRL it's slow and sluggish.
> using things like "Idk" and "obv"
I too do that but only after I know the community is "fine" with using them. And on this site I usually do this because the word limit is a word limit and I am pretty sure everyone knows these basic acronyms. Am not gonna talk zoomerspeak tho. They managed to shorten some things then put in retarded slang fillers into the sentences and defeated the whole point of shortening things.

> They don't respond to speech
Mine did. After I wrote  >>/5805/ this down I literally got images of grass being touched... Made me realize I am just angry and I have to get in touch with my energies.
This whole interaction was something else again. Might write about it later if I feel a point because it managed to teach me about inexistence and how we pass through the stages of existence unconsciously and why that is happening... And what happens when you consciously experience that you stopped existing at one stage of existence. Now I have a proper connection to their realm and can even summon up "maintenance deities/guides" to explain that place for me and it managed to become a far larger thing that I was expecting. Places that have no flow of time... No thermodynamics... But still has a sort of "existence" in place. I am still comprehending it. 
While it could be described as a sort of underworld or Binah/Saturn from Kabbalah it is not exactly that. It's a strange place and it seems way too significant on my path and it wanted me to find it again.