thumbnail of ukrainian infantry rush.webm
thumbnail of ukrainian infantry rush.webm
ukrainian infantry... webm
(3.22 MB, 1920x1080 vp9)
thumbnail of ukrainian mosquito waves.png
thumbnail of ukrainian mosquito waves.png
ukrainian... png
(257.79 KB, 482x938)
> This level of "intimidation" is just for lower level beings and I truly limit the usage of it for conscious beings. Seeing others losing their control over their body and their will to live is not something I like to do just because they angered me
It's not like that. First it was the glowies and their very physical underground tunnels and antennas and shit which I've felt very clearly since 2018 or so when the disturbances were very bad. At the time I didn't know the extent of this stuff. It's not at the level where there is any choice in this: out of nowhere, for no reason, they suddenly attack me with full force - but they have no way of winning. This happens every fucking time. They appear acting like they're some kind of bullies who found a victim they can abuse, and they never change this view until the moment they die. Their perception is completely delusional. And there is no option to "let them be" because at the minimum I lose my concentration, but more commonly it's very disturbing, so I have no other way than to get rid of them.

For some reason they:
don't have any information about who I am or what I can do
don't know anything about what happened to those who attacked me before
won't believe me when I warn them
are unable to adapt to events in progress (no matter if they drop like flies, they never call off the attack, I have to kill every single one)

But then, just look at fucking world events. 

> pic and vid related
"Just two more offensives"