> The person reports feeling very lucid and hyper-aware
That is because at that stage the "body" is literally overloading the consciousness so instead of giving up it exerts an extra amount of power to revitalize itself. But NDE's are complicated because they are sometimes "predestined" and not always accidents. It differs case by case. 
> the second death can be delayed only if the spirit finds some way of replacing its steadily shrinking store of etheric matter. This can apparently only be done by close association (touching and hugging) with living beings with whom the spirit has an empathic relationship, leading to an etheric-matter transfer from the living into the deceased spirit's etheric- plus/real-time body. 
These are "hungry ghosts" of sorts. That term is complicated because it usually refers to extremely evil beings that are not allowed to go to any type of afterlife/reincarnation but their energies are so malicious they keep going around like headless chickens. But a hungry ghost is not always malicious and they just need to find a "closure" in life until they feel "they can move on". "Second death" is not always as scary as it sounds because you are able to "sense" some level of "continuity". So it is like going to sleep because you know you will wake up the next time as always. This "continuity" is something I am researching now because going through these mental stages is taxing. I literally entered a new realm of (in)existence and had a talk with an entity there explaining that place and as I talked to him the conclusion I got from that talk is that I don't exist. Then I woke up. After that I felt that I am still in my body and calm but the "shock" of the fact that I am "not existing" started to take me over as new concepts about what it means to "exist" materialized in my brain. My heart beat fastened a new energetic pathway opened in my hands it was literally the effects of a panic attack. Then I had to realize that deep down I am "calm" by default. Calmness is everywhere. Existence and non existence is both calm. And with that a new type of "acceptance" manifested. Then I was finally properly able to enter that realm of "non-existence".

> But if this were true it would introduce a problem for someone wanting to do this.
There are many ways you can become a "Lich" and we are exploring that on this board for many years but it's no simple matter. Not just because it is "hard" but with the level of power and knowledge you need to do it "properly" you will realize how pointless it is. It is like wanting to play with the toys you had in kindergarten forever. As an adult you could buy all that toys now but what is the point? At that stage you will realize other important aspects of life and your thinking will shift quite a lot. 
I am not saying don't research it further because you can make deals with many astral realms close or far from earth for a permanent residence but you will need to understand the "price" of that endeavor.