> I don't know what he's talking about at all to be honest
Sometimes I want to reread the books I read in my occultist noob days as a teen... Once I figured out how I can "stare" in half trance at a person to "see" the auras I realized that it is a "meme skill" because the extra information the "aura sight" gives can be actually understood far faster intuitively because the subconscious can "see it" but usually it is such an useless and confusing mass of information which just burdens your decision making process and it is only good after you reach a proper level with it and decide to move away from dealing with mundane matters.

> I don't claim to be an authority
It's funny. Once an "age ends" the boons and curses fade with it. That doesn't mean they are completely useless or gone but the "ways" change slightly and underworlds and overworlds shift quite a lot in some ways while stay the same in others.
Claiming a past life authority in occultism is always "weird". Some spirits recognize it by default while others would just discard your delusions of past grandeur or exploit your arrogance. There is not much difference between "war heroes" and "war criminals" but that doesn't mean they are judged the same way.
> "morality" is irrelevant
I would say that the "public wish washed morality" has no real weight. "Morality" always gets stained with extreme levels of hypocrisy and self denial. The mechanics of karmic gravity can get weird (and we both know it) and I still don't know it's full scale. I only know the ones I am fixing around me and some needs to be kept as long a new stable balance materializes then they become obsolete.

> The Christians who took part in mass movements, following preachers and such, those are never solid
They don't have their own will nor their own energetic form. They always want to "melt" into a "group". Instead of sitting in a stationary astral realm they re-experience the energies of the movement like it is a fast paced movie on a loop without understanding what is happening. I too am finding ways how to get "through" the "egregoric slop" of these places because for an egregoric "slop" to work it needs to have a proper baseline energy behind it and that can be found then it can be fixed then the "soul slop" can be released and fixing a bunch of egregoric messes that "miss-govern" the people who are bound to it on a community level.
There is that quote that individuals are smart groups are stupid. Forgot who said that originally but the "trick" is always to talk to the "group egregore" and "convince" it. The problem ofc is that once an egregore likes you too much it will not leave you alone for a while with the "unsolved messages" it has.