> Could she return here and manifest overtly if she wished?
That place was her "comfort zone" and spirits usually have to "recharge" their "motive/initiation energies" to even think about going out of that place. Like you could go and climb the Mount Everest right now but that would truly take you out of your comfort zone. You need to spend a fortune might die in the process leave your house family workplace behind just to go to that large mountain. Would you do it? Why would you do that. That is how "manifesting" is. It's not always something you "want to do". After dying most of the struggles of life seems pointless and if you have a large desire towards them the ignition process for the next life will start or your existence becomes like a spell and makes a little anomaly in life then you fade away and life goes on as usual.
> that the person lives in a "slice of life" moment from their own time. Take one frame of the living city and let it loop eternally. The person then stays in that meditative state and will feel that they are still at home, one with all the life of the city, as if everything is alive still but eternal.
Perfectly said. It usually needs an external influence to "break that cycle of eternity". Be that cosmic forces or an another relative of spirit or blood asks them to "come along" "it's time to go". And they will agree when they know "it's time". The place might still remain tho. Some of these places have astral importance and remain. They are not always bound to the spirit but they are kept in place via other forces because it has "meaning for them".

> If you invite them, they can come to you and you can interact with them. But they remain in their own time from their view it seems.
Why leave the "best place of existence". What force would make you leave your home forever without ever looking back? Those places usually treasure the person inhabiting it as much as the person treasures that way of life. It is an extremely symbiotic magic.