> that the force is 'formless and ineffable'.
Okay I just learned that I mistranslated the word of ineffable because a saying we have in my language.

The trick is to "command" your mind to try to figure out that force no matter what and try to translate it into concepts. It will just point to a concept that is close then you disassemble that concept and remake it then that concept is still "faulty" but "closer to truth" so you remake it again then it will reach a "consensus level" in your mind. It is important because this high level of "meta-ing" activates parts and pathways in a brain and once you can feel how concepts stimulate the brain/mind-body complex you will be able to break mental blocks or at least understand the nature some things need to flow. It's important to not make "false pedestals" in our mind for concepts nor to make our mind "worship clouds". If it is a "cloud concept" then "make it rain" and "drink it" digest it make it water the plants. The highest part of our existence will need to touch the lower parts.
It will be scary sometimes because those things that lurk in the dark will be stirred into action.
The superconscious and the subconscious will need to form pathways but in a way your conscious can fully be "aware" of the movements

After writing this down I realized I just reworded this  >>/5898/
> method for activating it is by first teleporting internally between cells, which creates "faith" when there is no physical connection for the concept
My "point" is that you can "touch" faith with... "eyes and hands made of faith" of sorts.

K it's getting late
Time to meditate on a new way of expression. It seems I am getting somewhere with this but it is still far from... Upaya?

> You are focusing too much on history instead of understanding the cosmic nature of reality
I will not forget this. Wonder whichever entity from the  Promisedchan  told me this tho.