> astute observation of yours
Thx for the feedback. I am retuning the way I handle my sight and my "Insights" and sometimes wondering how off the mark I am or if am I the only one who sees things this way.
> It's like Islam can't contain me in full
It's still an "Incomplete" religion and it will need several prophets to reach the next stages and I don't know how it will play out. The problem with "conqueror religions" that spread via conquest that it becomes about politics and authority instead of the flow of insights and development which puts it into a sort of hibernation until a proper person reawakens it to it's original purpose. I literally seen the aspects and rituals in minor glimpses that can and do help you while the other parts that are somewhat "Missing" because Islam somewhat contains it but it is "Buried deep". Islam gobbled up several cults and religions and with that it overtook their authority in a way and buried them in an another and unearthing it "in a way" that it counts that "it was always part of Islam" and not "just my headcanon that I came up with so I can challenge all sorts of authority that resides here lol" is hard.

> "obviously because angels aren't djinn"
It's like saying 
> the Finnish aren't white
Drawing the line where "djinn" or "angels" start and end is hard because even their "range of operation" changed as the ages and cultures went by. There are too many "heavens" and if I was a real folklorist I might be able to tell the difference between the "flavors" but via functionality they share quite a lot and even djinn and angels differ quite a lot between their "own kind". There is a reason why we have different realms for angelic kingdoms and such. But srsly talking about is harder than deciding if the Spanish are white people or not. If you state anything as an "axiom" you get an instant reply as 
> implying implications
> an angel who practices Islam
I would say Islam is developing (further) the form that will result in proper "Angelcraft" or Angel-ology of sorts. Skipping the angels is never a good idea. While they mostly don't give too many shits about lesser existences sometimes there are things they cannot ignore.