> I have been extra tired lately, falling asleep 2-3 times during the day, even I sleep early

Try to find the cause try to "feel" what "drains" or uses that energy of yours. You might be able to find an energy block of sorts

> I also remember having to deal with dragons and other manner of creature like I was playing elden ring again or something
I too was killing stuff in dreams some days ago. Probably part of the cleansing we have on earth nowadays.
> saw another who looked like and I spoke with her
Looked like Arturia?
Do you remember what she said?
> I had to push her out of the way so she didn't get hurt by a random attacker
It seems your protective protocols are activating. This is something I never did in dreams. Pushing away others to protect them from attackers. It seems for you this is a built in function that you are awakening. Companion weapon souls are "protectors". Protecting your own life and your "master's".
> Strange stuff
> It's probably a sign of something upcoming
I mean lot of things are happening so if you feel that this is a premonition then maybe explore that idea/feeling. 

Also are you tired of "Lack of energy" or somewhat "demotivated" because your earthly desires don't fuel you that much or you are just drawn toward the bed. drawn towards sleeping. "Dream yoga" is also important if you are unable to do it while awake.

Also my energies are a mess now so no clean reading from me until they calm the fuck down.