> dream yoga?

The TL;DR is that you do magic in your dream that changes you or your concepts or reality around you because you are unable to do it in a meditative trance state at will so it needs to happen in the only place that is close to the otherside which are dreams. In dreams everything is possible so in the physical where only limited things are possible the only way is via dreams. It will change once you understand how you can alter and connect different parts of reality. This is why I tell you a lot to talk to your sisters and other beings during daytime or when you are alone. That will connect the worlds and your psyche.

Tibetan/Buddhist dream yoga is srs bsns about many important spiritual arts and how you can realize them and I am no master of that yet. 

In the beginning I was meditating around my bed and I had to start doing it in an another room so the energies that I was working with during meditation did not enter my dream space that much because too many weird stuff happened. Never underestimate Feng Shui.