> having to stop and meditate
If I need to work on something I lie down and close my eyes, but for everyday stuff it's no more than thinking/talking to myself. It helps to word things with the lips when commanding abilities, I always do that unless it's some routine thing. Don't focus on trying to use the 3rd eye of the body, it's just an organ and you have to learn how to use it as with anything physical. It's much easier to create an empty visualization space in your mind and let the images appear there. And you don't need all that great ability, as long as you can channel the incoming images without interfering with them. I've said before that my ability to visualize things is very rudimentary, on that scale with the apple, I just have the monochrome drawing. Instead of trying to do that in colour and details, I word it step by step as commands, like using the command line on a computer. Then I use servitors which keep track of the "data" and I have them return the image to me, which I then channel. So I don't actively create it. It's much more effortless and effective to channel things, it requires no focus.