Thanks for the in-depth response. 
> elements
This feels right. 
Back when I started with IIH 6 years ago I ran into issues with the elemental work where invoking elements would cause very strong mental effects but none of the physical effects that Bardon talks about. Invoking water would make me extremely depressed to the point of suicidal thoughts while fire would be invigorating. Which was interesting, but since I wasn’t seeing any of the physical effects I concluded that ‘elemental energy’ was just what Bardon calls ‘vital energy’ (which I think may be similar to the while fluid energy I work with now), but just programmed with intent related to the meaning of the element. So, not really a separate force but just a different intent behind the same force. 
Now that I’m looking back at it now though the issue may have been that I was regarding the elements as purely symbolic for more ethereal forces, fire=active/expansion, water=passive/retraction, air=change/movement etc. So maybe by assigning subtle symbolic meanings rather than literal physical meanings I was in consequence evoking a subtle symbolic intent which would not be conducive to literal physical manifestations? I haven’t thought of opening resonance with the elements by overwhelming the physical body with the actual literal substance corresponding to the element before. I’ll try this.

> While your conceptual understanding is very proper it actually limits the flow your mind comprehends things.
Yes… part of this is I feel a need to 100% understand how a thing works before putting it into practice, because if I don’t then it won’t be replicable and if it’s not replicable then it’s not real practice, it’s just random phenomena, and it’s useless for ‘real development’. In fact now that I’m looking at it closely I tend to get a surge of ‘panic’ I suppose when I’m doing a working and I realize that I can’t explain in words why and how I should be able to get results from this. And this tends to forcibly kick me out of the necessary state of mind.