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I just looked at the pic I posted because every Dunning–Kruger pic is somehow different and forgot to see which "mistake" it is portraying because as always that concept is also faulty.
The Expert part. "Experts" are never 100% sure but for magic you need 100% And that is what I meant by the "several mount stupids". You have no choice but to go up that mountain again and know that your realization is the one and only truth and not fear the next step that will come after it because stupidity errors and random anomalies are part of the process. You can master things 2 ways. First having a master that teaches you his mastery or by making all the steps that will lead to mastery and that is only possible via experimenting and not via the "careful scientific approach". Not to mention once you make the idea that you want to "prove" magic you entrapped yourself again because with that you accept that this world is "real" and you want to prove that it is "Not real" with a force that was also "never real". This mentality creates several mental blocks... or even walls and takes away all the power from the force you want to utilize. You have to understand the carefree nature of the fool and how that is the only way progress will come naturally. Only the fool has a way to find the major arcana. The other tarot cards are busy with their own thing already. They have no time to find things. And if you are unable to become the fool then you will have to find the force that turns everyone into fools again and that force is  Death 

>  >we don't do this in Russia, instead it's a streamlined organization
Yes I too wanted to say this. Putin was in the KGB he knows just how much bullshit they had to go through. Who am I kidding even I can tell stories from my country. I had a professor and he was in a new political party that formed when the USSR collapsed. Once a person came to the party and told them openly.
> Hi guys I am the snitch I am here to monitor you. Please only tell me things that a snitch should know and should give to his bosses
They said k and handled him that way because if you tell him to go away they will send the next one who might probably take his job seriously instead of telling what is his objective and this is just a "job" for him that he has to do but he is also not believing in serving a system that is literally going through a collapse because once the "democracy" forms he will be just laid off because in the end he is a government worker.
Boy we had drama with these things for decades. Who was a commie plant and who isn't. Glowies can't fucking understand that you cannot infiltrate someone who lived through an age where you had to know by instinct who is a plant or not and these "plants" were your neighbors that lived there for 40+ years and you had to know who and how you are talking to. Especially because you had to "handle" these guys. Then they send in clearly liberal brainwashed retards who somehow think they are not obvious.

> It costs way less to do things this way.
Yeah Russians are too poor to be as retarded as the CIA... Many such cases.