> Glowies can't fucking understand that you cannot infiltrate someone who lived through an age where you had to know by instinct who is a plant or not and these "plants" were your neighbors that lived there for 40+ years and you had to know who and how you are talking to. Especially because you had to "handle" these guys. Then they send in clearly liberal brainwashed retards who somehow think they are not obvious.
"Hi guys I'm your new native neighbour and not at all an Afro-American"

When I talk to someone "new" I always, without specifically paying attention to it, keep in mind who I told what when talking about things I heard, and I leave out certain information for each person I talk to. That way I can know if the person talked to someone else about this rumour, because they'd have filled in correctly the information I left out. If they still lack that information or add something new there for it to make sense, I know they are using me as the first source of information. But when I hear something, I am aware of this method, so I also unintentionally try to find out which information the other other may have left out, as well as trying to confirm with someone else what actually happened. Then if I talk to a person who actually was found to leave out information, I will not repeat the story with the new found information included, but will maintain it in the format given by the person who told me a reduced version, so as to not reveal that I have a second information source.

And this way of working is perfectly normal countryside/village behaviour. City people can't grasp this. Neither can western glowies. They talk to me over telepathy pretending to be Russians, so I pretend I don't see who they are. It's all very stupid. Sometimes I help them because an individual doing things right can really fuck them up. Sometimes I give them servitors with built in sabotage ;P I made one like this once where I asked the girls to design a body model in Russian style for credibility, then I added the faulty programming to it under a surface personality with its own function to make it seem like a certain type of servitor, the malfunction only appears at certain times. But the "mask" function turned out so good they started using it themselves, and the sabotage function never activated because the conditions never seemed to be met in there. ;PP So if someone tries to steal it by observation after seeing it in use, they're going to say it was actually used there, so it has to be right. But all of this is too much for glowies to grasp also.