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I think you might have been on to something about my realities(?) Merging. After we spoke yesterday afternoon I took a nap but I was a girl in lancer artoria 's form again but younger (no, it wasnt just regular seibah, I still had her big tits and long hair but was just... Smaller) anyway, I remember being with a foster family and was given news that my grandmother had died and said foster family and I talked about it and my Earth sister's death j mentioned in the past  it was mostly just me venting out how said both events made me sad, etc. then the "foster family" and my sisters were more or less like
> "we are the only family who will truly be with you now and forever, no one else matters"
Mind you they weren't responsible for my grandmother's death in situation (feel like I have to preface that to prevent misunderstandings like before) but prior to this whole thing taking place I was also on the island, deeper inside helping the other female denizens with various ala fetch quests and such like in an RPG. The entire thing was admittedly unsettling and it'll probably stick around in my head a few days until it stops. When I feel like shit or unsettled about stuff I kind of acknowledge the thoughts but don't try reinforced them or forcibly push them away (that just makes it worse for me) and let whatever the thoughts are run their course and I ride the wave so-to speak until they go away

When I actually went to bed later last night,I was taken through multiple things again
> I was led, by some kids through a weird golden gate thing that had three shining jewels on the very top that functioned as indicator lights (1 was red, 2 were blue iirc)
> It took me through a weird arcade styled world like those Gauntlet games or shmups
> I had to shed my current body/self into my "true" one via a weird character select screen
> I had a shitton of options apparently: Valkyries, Miko, mages, witches, etc. I chose some kind of weird high tier mage but she was wearing a bridal dress and she had either black or blonde hair (I couldn't remember)
> They made it seem like I could change to something if I want to down the line