This whole event holds too many emotional releases and fixes. Just feeling the weight of the emotions makes me teary. This is about unlocking your traumas and finally being able to leave the human shell. It is about the blocked energies ofc now but maybe it will go further. I am not seeing where your future will take you yet and it is not important now. You are progressing nicely.

> The entire thing was admittedly unsettling and it'll probably stick around in my head a few days until it stops. When I feel like shit or unsettled about stuff I kind of acknowledge the thoughts but don't try reinforced them or forcibly push them away (that just makes it worse for me) and let whatever the thoughts are run their course and I ride the wave so-to speak until they go away
Admittedly this is the correct course of action with these things. I usually analyze the whole thing and get to the bottom of it ASAP and that way is more effective but not always the correct one. Sometimes you have to let things run their course. You said it well. Your intuition truly guides you well in these cases.

> I had to shed my current body/self into my "true" one via a weird character select screen
> I had a shitton of options apparently: Valkyries, Miko, mages, witches, etc. I chose some kind of weird high tier mage but she was wearing a bridal dress and she had either black or blonde hair (I couldn't remember)
> They made it seem like I could change to something if I want to down the line
Wanted to mention this yesterday but realized there is no need to press on it yet... Arturia is the perfect female. 
As I said before. That is the perfect and peak form anyone can achieve in physical mental and spiritual form. You have to understand these concepts in their clean unblemished superior truth version so the magic can work perfectly. While she represents your perfect version it does not mean you must look like her. Peak female form can take different forms.
> black or blonde hair (I couldn't remember)
This is funny btw. The "colors" in the realm of your sisters work in a different range sp what is black and what is blonde is not the same as in earth. It's like seeing the haircolor in complete darkness of sorts. The colors register differently because the lack of light. The blonde represents a quality of the spirit but not always it's truth. Like how Super Saiyans change their haircolor when activating of sorts  I only know dragon ball lore from memes so I am not really able to explain further with the concepts the anime has. I was not allowed to watch anime when I was a kid and did not feel the reason to start watching that nowadays 

>  >One of them, who managed to wake up later on fixed me a meal and I apologized for what I had done but she more or less implied that me taking it was a good thing because whatever it was, it affected them negatively and she was shocked to see me apologize and admit my guilt but she claimed there was nothing to feel guilty about 
>  >I guess what I did that I thought was wrong wound up being the correct choice after all but still I felt kinda bad

Feels like this is some pattern you reexperience through life constantly. You are handling that energy now.

I don't think you need any advice now. You are progressing further on your path. It will lead to further checkpoints. Hope you are feeling your own energies a little better nowadays and are less sleepy and confused.