> I have a reason to revisit my old concepts

I just realized that I still don't consider the astral "real" even tho I am using it for my magic constantly. I realized how I can accept it as real as the physical so my senses "tune" into it properly so I can truly feel the weight of the blessings and curses it has. With the "heart of serenity" I can unlock the "eyes of serenity" and that is the "Undisturbed 3rd eye" which means being in like perfect trance so my energies don't get disturbed because of lower mundane energies and disturbances. The perfect way of observation where negative emotions and desires don't ruin the experience. Serene. Had to realize the concept of peace got warped nowadays. Our "peaceful life" is making people crazy anxious and depressed. Welfare and War is Peace. It's ridiculous how since leaving Afghanistan the NATO is not actually in a war but thanks to the propaganda we are getting it is like we are in a war while when 911 happened very few people felt even the effects of the war that happened on the middle east. And because it is "Peace" and not "war" people don't know how to handle the negative emotions by instinct because everyone and every media outlet says that: EVERYTHING IS ALRIGHT. 
The west is unable to use information quarantine so they use misinformation overload instead and make everyone crazy in the process.

> "Hi guys I'm your new native neighbour and not at all an Afro-American"
Our language is hard to learn and only intellectuals know english or other languages which means we are not getting the dumb nigger agents who can barely speak english. Those are reserved for the west where niggers are a common place already. We usually get 2 things. Either some gayfaggot Dutch or some similar retarded academic or a "career activist" but those usually leave asap because the "toxic" environment. You see when people are not obliged to put up with your bullshit and smile like their life depends on it then these people unable to handle these situations. And there are not many "safe places" here for them. The others are our leftist retards that were in the west as some sort of "exchange students" but they are dumb as hell and the "western brainwashing" is toothless. Their fanaticism cannot match the energy levels of the average disgruntled citizen. Not to mention the government usually seizes bank accounts that has the sole purpose of funding these activist flash mobs. And don't expect these retards to be able to handle crypto or other payments. This western "Indoctrination" only works on spoiled kids and turns them into retarded spoiled kids. Once they are unable to coordinate they are lost from the start. And we can see that in Ukraine. Coordination is impossible for the NATO. Even the information quarantine that they succeeded making is because they are executing anyone leaking stuff and that is still not working. Only Ukros got away with killing New York Times journalists and only Israel gets away killing UN workers. Always funny when I think about it. (Not that) friendly fire.