Those seeders mentioned in the /blog/ are like the saiyans in Dragonball, who leave one of their race on a planet and expect them to succeed. They are immortals and will try to produce a new immortal. The process requires new DNA which cannot be engineered, so they use souls locally and give birth to degraded copies of themselves which aren't immortal, then they wait 1000s of years until one of their own offspring has gained the DNA form which can be used to birth a new member of their race. Once done, they leave again. The NWO and others think they are getting something good, but they are just breeding cattle for ancient super races who will use an entire planet to create -one- more of their own kind.

Those are the Queens who lived in the secret bases. They walk entirely nude (refuse to wear clothes) and timelines circle around them to protect them not matter what happens outside. They enter the planet nude and will leave nude once the new immortal has been born. They will call down a ship using telepathy, or in the case of the Queen of the aryan race, she picked up a small ship and flew back again. They travel in space as if it's their own back yard, planetary systems and galaxies are just like streets or houses to them. They don't even bring any technology with them.