
I had a dream that I relate to my current expansion and energy line activation process.
I am still not sure of those "grey fences" because as I was doing my thing in my dream some quite interesting weirdo was literally surfing on a piece of a grey metallic fence and as it was surfing on it he just made things "explode" around him in weird patterns. So as me and other entities decided that it is time to end this "tomfoolery" he started to flee and went behind a bigger fence and it was clearly visible that he used a part of that fence. The fence was surrounding a territory which was a sort of "off limits" but was quite empty and guarded by no one then I noticed that a part of the fence is still glowing with energy because that was the part that he used as an"exploding things around surf board" and was still hot. That made me realize we are on the "trail" and punched through that fence and found him being still dumb annoying and laughing. Then me and a group that tagged along beat him for answers and it turned out he had no idea what he is doing so we stopped after it was obvious that "he got the message" 

With this I managed to connect to many entities that oversee many lands and I had a dream after that too. It was a meeting with entities who were clearly about managing these lands and it was just a talk about summarizing the state of things and I noticed that my mind is not operating at it's full capacity. (Wanted to pour some drink into a glass and there were several different glasses on the table for different drinks and as I was trying to focus pouring a drink into one I noticed I accidentally poured into a completely different glass)