There was a girl there and as the others left I asked her.
> Is there a system in place that is jamming my thoughts or it is caused by their presence
She replied that their presence is doing that because it's their way of "conversing" but she said I am allowed to lie to her. Was wondering if she was referring how this is supposed to be a "trust mindwave" of sorts but instead of the "trust mindwave" I use with my entities where you don't lie because the only thing that matters and has value is truth itself and "lying" is just made of weaker energies that your consciousness is just unable to even consider using. Turns out this "method" was not that but the opposite. You are capable to use lower energies but it is blocking your capacity of lying of sorts. As she said 
> you are allowed to lie to me
I was thinking if is this some mindgame and why would I even try lying? Was thinking if it has a sort of "double meaning" if I lie then she can access the reason why I lie so if I lie I am actually "honest" because after that she can read me because she knows my "tell signs". And as I was going through my regular autism I told her
> You are pretty 
while thinking what will her reaction be will she think I lied to her? She replied
> Awwww you are cuuute
while playing with my face for being that cute. Then she multiplied into 5 beings with the same lookalikes. As I was wondering which one is the "real one" or this is just the presence of an entity being stronger and that is why there is several of her suddenly the next part of the meeting started.

Some additional people came in who looked like regulars including a nigger. Which bothered me but not the racist way but because was not sure if I am being fucked with or what is he even representing here. They introduced him as "Chrome"... and as I was wondering what is even Chrome symbolizing I kinda forgot to pay attention to the rest of the dream. It was about basic stuff about some movements between the realms that was not really affecting me (in a bad way) so my mind was unable to memorize it long term. 
So it turns out the mineral Chromite is literally the same color as that dude. Was wondering if I am getting glownigged in a weird way but nope he just looks like that. 

Exploring these realms and learning to fuse my mind properly so I can access all the parts of my being in different situations takes time