And frankly aside from uncovering the origin of modern humans as a race, I don't find this stuff very interesting. Most of the queens have since left again, I sent some over to the Russians because I didn't know where to evacuate them to. They called down ships using telepathy and left after some interaction there. Personally I think the CyBorn technology by the tall greys is the superior solution for creating immortal humans as a race. Degraded versions of immortal aliens who are just using everyone for their own procreation is just not well tuned enough for obvious reasons. It worked to let people come here and live on this planet with bodies, but it's no ideal solution at all considering how retarded everyone became, underground slave tunnels, adrenachrome slaughter factories and all this shit. So I just don't want anyone to be doing things based on that. The yokais said explicitly that they don't want "mushrooms" on the new Earth (fungus based humans, out of which there were many immortals who came here, they're all white but they are very different types of fungus, and their degraded versions spread are sometimes very toxic and degrades very fast in this environment.