> If you can empathize with this feeling and thinking
K checked the energy what you are talking about. Makes me feel dead inside in a completely existential level. Guess the main reason is that we are fighting the post soviet doom and gloom constantly and we have no time to fall into this despair but it seems my mind just figured out a way I can access it without "feeling it". I just become the propaganda itself instead of the people who have to suffer it.  Great this sounds even worse. 

> won't have a problem with Chinese loli-Trotskyists either
I am starting to understand why Shiva called them "Underclass". "Classless society" just means turning everyone into underclass and nothing else. Not equal just underclass. 


Now I want to rant for hours again. This is a "stench" that plagued my existence too much in multiple ways because retarded commies just can't understand that classes will form in the underclass again and people will be either soulless husk drones or the pettiest retards while "competing" for "nothing". It was ridiculous. Only those survived who realized how it is possible to play the game in the already rigged to hell system.

Also I just realized while Europeans and Russians had a "way out from this feeling" via excessive amount of alcohol which either reinvigorated or numbed their spirits... Asians didn't even have that. There was no escape. Lie and try and fuck over your own or get in line and hope for the best...

> That's how it started, from the contrast of wide area territories to sleeping in bunk beds in a large metal container out in nothing. If you have a predatory hierarchy in the desert, you can't have people fight to determine this order while in space, so they invented uniforms with grade markers. And so on.
I can understand the value of this but the way humans did it was not that. Hard to have the "freedom fighter spirit" currently when the west makes the concept of freedom into the shittiest way of slavery while the east is trying it's best while learning that the "freedom" they seen in the USA movies are just a weird mirage that existed only for moments in the past. If things go accordingly they will find their way instead of emulating something that never was but it will take time to see it