What both amazed me as well as gave me a feeling of relief when interacting with Chinese earlier was their complete uncaringness combined with mental clarity and sharpness. Some things you just won't find in the west. If you are meeting a Chinese and you decide on a time and place, they will be there. A westerner will be late, not show up at all, or make late changes which ruins your plans, then make excuses for it. Chinese don't do this. That's a first thing I learned.
Secondly they do not have any doubt about the superiority of their society. They have complete trust in their civilization no matter what happens, so they don't have any base level worry like westerners all have. This is why they can, as seen in tiktok vids, stand in a flooded subway train with water up above their waist and they're just holding their phones above the water like it was a mild nuisance. If they protest about anything, it's practical issues and overall meaningless from a political view. They won't even complain about family members being sent to literal labour camps, it doesn't mean anything to them, their society is always right. They won't even think about it, unless it causes some major personal problem.

This is federation culture when it works. The federation is eternal and the federation is always right, so no one has any worries. Then they can easily accept any orders and any "dead inside" feeling, because it doesn't matter if the individual is empty, the federation will not budge to any threat so they are still safe. The laziest neet is tolerated for this reason, if they're fine with being lowest class with simplest housing standard and rations for food, then no one will tell them to do anything. They don't need to "contribute", because the federation is eternal and can take care of anyone, there won't be any moralism about it. No one thinks it's a threat to be idle, the threat is a theoretical thing which is handled by the federation "by someone else" and it consists of "capitalists and counter revolutionaries". The way of speaking in the federation, the propagandistic language, it stems from the organization being so large that you may never have seen any threat ever, maybe your grandparents from 16 generations ago saw a "capitalist" once on another planet. But you know they are evil because there are stories of them, so fighting them in your daily work is like a mantra which no one can have any practical experience of, and this is normal. That's why it sounds and looks the way it does even here on Earth.