> A westerner will be late, not show up at all, or make late changes which ruins your plans, then make excuses for it
So Americanism and the French carefree retardation is in the entire west huh. It varies by person here. The question is usually what is the thing that they will make sure they arrive in time.  But then again it's not like I "expect" anything from others. That hope died in me long ago. Had to go through many things to resurrect it. Now I can see "ultrarealism" and that is not the bleak reality but all the forces that move it and how I can expect things from others once I can truly see what they are capable of. The question remains in the end ofc. What do I want and where do I want to go. I have an answer to this already since the great beginning but there are parts of me that does not understand it. 

Also the Federation is large. You can have everything what you desire you just have to work for it or at least figure out where it is. But I am still not seeing the bigger picture and most of the forces that pull the strings there. I can feel while talking to the "assigned cat" that is around me that while he can inform me about the general state of things he also does not know some things in a way he can explain it to me in a way it will satisfy me. But for me it is not about "accepting" the Federation or not for me it is a "will it work" or it is still in the trial and error phase. I grown up in the "correcting the errors phase" and I am still living in it and wondering if the next trial will be the one that "Makes it".