> One thing that's probably obvious but I never thought of before is that the human body is made of 'spirits'. It's not just a projection of your self, it's a colony of spirits
The illusory nature of the self. Yupp you got the most important part of spirituality. Congrats.
> if that motivation is being housed in the physical body's spirits
You have spirits for the otherworld already too. That is why you are even interested in spirituality instead of being a normie. But there needs to be a caution activating those spirits because running on the astral is not different than a dog running front of a car sometimes. I realized the "trick" is not "make" these spirits but "find them". The sort of 
> Was math invented or discovered 
kind of thing. I figured out the perfect forces for every layer of reality exist already you just need to find it. After a point you will be drawn towards these energies once your intuition becomes clear.

> I feel like it would also help with the timeline becoming blurry and shifting when you lose focus
For me it was never about "focus" but more about 
> How much I care 
Like how talking to people I can just "zone out" 70% of my attention and start thinking about other stuff because there is no point "being there" anymore. So once I stop caring I just "doze off" of sorts. If I care then I care and then I am in the zone and I cannot be "Moved" because all my spirits are reinforcing my "Presence" there.

Had to realize that I am not considering "reality" real at all and that is why I was somewhat natural at magic. I considered my thoughts more real than every sense I have by default. Also getting in touch with your spirits is important because they have their "limits" too. I realized I am not "controlling" them but they just simply "follow my will". Controlling them puts too much strain on them and because of that my mind just overcomplicates things for no reason. It's like swimming in the river but you are not swimming anymore because you are the entire river now.