Mission accomplished.

I ended up using a witchy thing I created 15 year ago to finally destroy the evil elites. It's a trap thing, but it requires getting really close and having them surrounded or "figured out" before it can be used.

Things I used to get there via Era can be received here, for those interested:

Servitor for eliminating thought structures which form obstacles. More of an automated tool for drilling or burning astrally.

[Sharp Edge] is a combination of previous experiences turned into a vampire loli servitor for "war and spellcasting".

[Eagle eye], name based on the spell from Heroes of Might and Magic, this is a servitor who writes down spells from observation of them being used, then creates counter measures or new versions of those spells. You can view copied and created spells in the form of grimoire entries. The spells make no make sense unless you study them, but the servitor can always cast them. She uses representational language which looks like algorithms in quasi code for the entries, but you can treat the formulas as sigils.

A servitor for building the "Queen structure" which the elites and glowies used to protect themselves. This is the structure of the natural defense of the immortal aliens referred by as Queens or Earth Mothers.