While the last days were also interesting for me too but it was the typical every time I figure out anything even more questions arise kind of deal and posting them is hard.
But today I had a dream and wonder if it is related.
> Then I saw the form of a sabre cutting in the air, and realized that's what this ability is like, and I'm looking at you. And this image is something I saw back in like 2005: I had a dream where some hero was being trained by a group to fight against demons.

As I was doing my usual "dream wandering" suddenly I met a guy that looked like a japanese highschool delinquent in his 20s with a katana. He was shirtless clearly showing that he trains under the sun tanned muscular fit (but not the gymcel roider sized) and he had a cape and a captains hat. First he gave me a mean look and looked like he wants to pick a fight and as I was instinctively trying to scan his "Hostility" so my mind can activate it's instant counter attack measure he suddenly smiled and decided I am "fun" and worthy to be followed around. Because I was in my dream wandering phase where "literally nothing happens" which is sorta an auto pilot until something interesting enough happens so my mind has a reason to "care" I just went forward with my usual wandering because if no one attacks me and no divine or at least interesting knowledge then most dreams are like a small talk with people about nothing. You can interact with them without even being there...
So as I was wandering forward quite long almost forgetting about this dude following me he suddenly attacked a random shadow that was "almost" hostile but not hostile enough to be able to do any harm to me so I didn't register it until this buffoon attacked him.

And ofc he didn't just attack him. He literally did some "special move" which is a super fast blade movement where in the process you not just kill your opponent but cut up your whole body in extremely specific places so you can turn immortal in the process.