I didn't see it at once, but I do now: the thing I wanted to do by performing "Chinese education system at home" was successful. That thing which creates the insanely accurate robotic mindset which allows someone to do things like seen in Chinese factories, where someone is mounting electronics with one smooth movement, no adjustments because it's perfect every time.
It was unlocked when I did a live kanji test, or after. I knew I "got something" out of it, but it only formed later: the "mental view" or space which shows a fairly simple thing; that anything on the test must refer to some part of the previously studied book or material. And that a well made test will include at least one example from each part of this study material, so that the teacher can see that you learned it. So by mentally checking off each part seen on the test vs the book, you know you have it right. This means being able to internalize the material, and knowing its restraints, is necessary. But the world only has a limited amount of physical knowledge, and each subject has a level and a specialization, so with enough of this knowledge categorized neatly in your mind, you can always narrow down what the important parts are. This is the same for any element of the world or life. There is a key for everything, you just have to learn what the keyset looks like and how to relate what you encounter to it.

This is also in total conflict with the "glowie NWO" mindset where you are to know only your own specialized area and rely on "the system" to provide anything else, so that the rulers can lie to you about its nature. The "unified" view doesn't do this, it teaches everything, but shows you have to properly relate to it to avoid inconsistencies while still working inside your society. It is foolproof and prevents external indoctrination or propaganda from being effective.

The world is one, it is perfect. Anyone saying they want to "improve the world" either has a very small mind, wants to mislead people, or thinks himself a god. Such a person is the lowest kind of politician. You can improve your own organization, but you cannot "change the world". You can change the "world order" because that is a human creation, but this is not the world itself. The world itself can only be studied and internalized as a representation. Anything expressed by anyone, will refer to any part of this representation. If it doesn't, it's misinformation. This is the reason "the west" cannot win.