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USA foreign... jpg
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> There is a key for everything, you just have to learn what the keyset looks like and how to relate what you encounter to it.
Yeah. The interesting part is that there is a sort of "feel" for the correct choices and for the perfect movesets but there is a problem with that. It is so perfect your "reward mechanism" will be unable to handle it. It's like you didn't do anything at all just "it happened" because it was not (You) who did it but the already established perfect movement just manifested itself. You did not do it you just let your body execute it... Absolute egolessness. The "skillful means". But ofc those are based on sort of higher knowledge and not about learning the
> limited amount of physical knowledge
which is on earth. Adapting to that as a child was annoying. Imagine feeling that the "knowledge" is inferior and "learning it" is not something that gives any "value" it's just not knowing it makes you "inferior". Had to realize I had to literally develop a sort of "Inferiority complex" back then for the desire to "learn" to manifest because "teachers" are absolutely shit about instilling a "sense of wonder" into children as a motivational force (there are exemptions ofc. There are teachers that can still do that. Usually those who did not lose their "inner child" while growing up). Had to understand that most people did not learn so they can become better or smarter but from fear of punishment. But the education system needs a complete overhaul on all levels and I don't know how it will play out... There are too many problems there in all fields. The worst is when not even the teacher understands what he is teaching...

> You can improve your own organization, but you cannot "change the world".

This is the "worst" thing. How megacorps "change the world". If you have too many profits then you will pay enormous taxes so the best way is to find way to "spend" the money on yourself so it is not taxable. The great "accounting magic"... But there are FUNNY money laundering ways. Charity... Charities "Improve the world"... How? They just do ok? 2 million staving niggers? Give them food in a way that all the expenses are paid via "charity" and because it is an NGO overseeing the "expenses" is almost impossible to oversee the accounting and you just need to prove the hungry got food. Embezzling money there is childplay because no one knows the real costs of things once they go out of the border into the "wilderness". Did they steal all money? Lmao no they fed the people ofc but not via the whole funding because it cannot be THAT OBVIOUS. The results? You had 2 million starving niggers before and now you have 2 billion starving niggers. Great success! Truly the world is improved. If you are unable to put people into ACTUAL WORK which creates ACTUAL VALUE and not the current diversity nightmare where the companies create make believe jobs so they can get those ESG funds. They forgot that growth and the growth of cancer is not the same.