> I think it must have something to do with form and function
Then first you have to understand your own form and function in this entire existence.
> Form always mirrors function
I uh... this axiom sounds fucking neat on paper but in reality especially in nature I would say it is far more complicated. I will just leave this at the 
> implying implications 
meme. Maybe will elaborate later.
> function is a metaphysical component
Why the fuck would it be a "metaphysical component". Is "form" not a "metaphysical component" who assigned the "function". Function is a modern world and it is "too mechanical". Too material too machinist. You need to understand the "nature" of things and not their function.
> by manipulating the spirit which would therefore alter the form
For some reason you think "manipulating the spirit" is easier than manipulating the physical form. Are you sure you are interacting with the "real spirit" and not with a mere "visage". Are the image in your mind and the force of your transmutation more real than the object itself? When do you even start considering something as real? When it is hard and tangible? Then does that make your mental workings are unreal? IS THE SPIRIT LESS REAL THAN THE PHYSICAL? SOMETHING THAT CAN BE MOVED ON A WHIM?
> evoke the spirit of 'gold' into something
What is even gold to you... If gold had zero value would you even care about that piss colored metal? If you think gold = value then you want something of value and not actually the metal of gold. With this you just proved how superficial is your connection towards the spirit of gold.
> So maybe refining the conceptualization of an individual instance of an object somehow is necessary
Duh. You have to refine that till ad infinitum. Not an easy process even I get scared of what I am doing with my mental frameworks sometimeS.
> The evoked spirit needs to bind firmly with the spirit of the instance of the object to alter its function rather than simply evoking the function freely into the local reality.
Am gonna use a harsh example now to understand what level of perversion you are trying to commit. I want to turn you into a carrot via evoking the spirit of carrot into you. With that I will literally put a large carrot into your ass that you are unable to shit out. Then you either "reject that evocation" via either removing the carrot somehow or hope your body will keep it inhibited in your ass so you can keep living on with it. Then you die and your body becomes the perfect soil for the carrot to grow in and as it eats the nutrients from your decomposed body you turn into a carrot. This is the level of transmutation you are trying to do with those metals with the current level you are on. Hope this example conveyed the levels of the atrocity.
> I'm not sure at the moment how to go about doing this.
Ofc you are not this is a far too advanced technique. Materializing real gold from the thin air is almost more easy than transmuting it from copper. The alchemy is from lead to gold and not with copper anyways.