> but I was "poked"
Ofc you were what he wrote is infuriating the spirits themselves and you just wrote down 90% of the things I wanted to say. Now I will say the remaining 10%
> It simply is not possible to ask Copper to manifest a different mineral
Exactly. You have to ask the "primordial Lord of metals". The problem is that "metals" are not native to earth. They came by via meteors or were manifested via other forces. Which means the "originator force" is not that easy to access. Beings that work with transmutation use extremely specific alchemical truths to even do that. Meeting the originator force and telling him.
> can you turn this mexican orphan boy (copper) into a royal japanese loli (gold) 
While it is not impossible I hope you understand how important your reasons need to be so that greater force says yes instead of purging you out of existence.
> You have now replaced all existing copper into gold. Your electric wires will stop functioning as well as all your electronics.
Not to mention this part. Your body also has "essential metals" in itself and once you use the transmuting force you might just fuck things up. I have to pace myself to not kill electricity around me while I am just a little mad about something. Do you have any idea what force you need to wield to transmute things on a whim? If you want a tutoring you will need a personal deity to work with that makes you go through the initiation... or find out you are an incarnated being which excels in metallurgy from the start. Why do you even want to do this? Did you even ask that from yourself? Doing it for monetary gain in the present day of commerce is dumb so do you want to "prove" you can do it or for amusement? There is an another thing with this transmutation
> By what authority do you request a higher value? 
How authorities can play out. So 1 way of "transmutation" can be that you apply an illusion of gold upon copper then as you move away and your authority vanishes with you it turns back into copper. That is just mere illusionism which is mostly about being able to manipulate the collective conscious. The next part when the "authority" stays no matter what. And with that you will have to imbue your authority into that metal. With that a part of your soul will stay there telling everyone that THIS IS A GOLD but only your higher soul which has an eternal authority over the material. There are other ways ofc which is lower elemental magic but that is dangerous and
> the karmic consequences of such a change are only something a very high creation level god can deal with
I will not even write that down here. That magic scares me. That is about bypassing the higher spirits. If working with higher spirits is like working with console commands and hex editing while looking up a guide. That is like using a magnetic pin to change the polarity on the HDD. And it is not even a magnetic pin they are like strings that keep reality together. Pulling a single string alerts the spider that oversees the web/fabric of reality. And let's not talk about what happens when you accidentally rip off the foundational pillar of that web.