> So, sourcing the energy and then programming the energy to perform the separations and rearrangements would be the formula. Performed in the etheric sphere?
I got a vision of the supersigil while writing this what elements the mind need to access so it can "rotate reality" but I am incapable writing it down. Even seeing it with my minds eye hurts.
Function comes from the latin word fungi which means perform...
We gave "function" to things. Human innovation did it. We used the hard materials of earth studied their features rearranged them via higher ideas/inspirations and gave them via a function. With that function they gained a new spirit. If a machine has a function you can metaphysically interact with that spirit of the function. The reason why I said "Nature" because I meant that you need to interact with the spirit that existed before human understanding "gave meaning" to it. Function is a purpose humans gave and too mechanical and not how the chaotic nature of reality works in harmony in the end.
> Well I chose gold and copper because they have the same number of valence shell electrons
Aham so you are trying to use a modern understanding of "material world" which is not older than a 100 years old to "influence the spirit" which exists since creation. You understand that the spirit is unable to understand your problem right? 
> something like oxygen into sulfur would be just as desirable
Go to hell. Literally. The air is made from sulfur there. I breathed sulfur in clean air while going through those realms. Desirable? Not for carbon based lifeforms you baka. The alchemical implications of sulfur is a whole other matter holy shit.
> It is a furtherance of understanding and mastery in regards to the nature and operation of the physical sphere.
Yeah I expected this answer but what made you think you need to start doing this from this angle? I am starting to think you have some inner desire for this you are not aware yet. Scanning your mind is hard. My guides tell me I shouldn't do it you are nearing a breakthrough of sorts.
> Thought into matter
Who said thought into matter? No I meant you are connecting to an another dimension where there are leftover golds. I would never desecrate my thoughts via turning them into gross matter. Ew.
> What is thought made of?
Are thoughts made from the same matter? Are the thoughts of a commoner and the thoughts of a divine sage smell and taste the same? is it only a singular materia. Do plants have thoughts?
> Atoms might be made of thought. If such is the case, both operations seem very similar in technique.
Whatever our current understanding is that thoughts are electric impulses going through matter and this is where mindwaves come into play. They are not exactly the "atoms" but how the waves go through the atoms. The trick is to understand the waves and how they form and maintain the physical and not looking at the atoms via a microscope.. Especially how electron microscopes are also just electric bombarding and not the image itself and for that you have to understand how light bounces off from physical object and that just creates a false image in your mind and not exactly the "real thing" that you interact with. The point is no matter how detailed the images become with "perfect microscopes" it will be never detailed enough to see the main fabric of existence.

FFS I am running into the same problem while discussing this when I ran into my problem of technomancy relating to ancient alchemy. But now modern scientific understanding vs ancient thaumaturgy... And mainstream scientific understanding does not accept thaumaturgy as real even tho chemistry evolved from alchemy...

K head hurts. That supersigil I got the vision of was actually a gate to some esoteric secrets and now my mind is translating them. That whole sigil was made from silver or platinum. Made me think of quicksilver which is mercury. And as it rotated it opened and now some dark smoke comes out from it aaaaand a hand grabbed me. Great. See you later I guess. My head hurts. Time to meditate on it.