Personally I went into mining to get rid of the old planets which were suns, the karmic minerals out there. Most of the material is stored in a space station out there for now (it was a 40/60 deal in the favour of the beastcats who did the work). I also sold the remaining oil reserves on the federation market because I saw news some company was going to drill for oil in some African nature reserve. This also confirmed what I suspected: oil is not only organic, it is indeed the ground up and fermented remains of illuminati slaves kept under ground since ~140 000 years, slowly being concentrated and pressed into pockets in the rock. Further down it was filled with old skeletons. I saw this went sending a servitor to examine it before putting out the selling ad. The aliens said it didn't matter, they call this "extra crude oil" and the price is lower but it sells just fine as rocket fuel. I asked for minerals in return, ended up picking mostly copper, aluminium, silver, magnesium and some small amount of gold. Some of the silver was used by Astra to pay for some super expensive spiritual guidance from ancient vampires (70k year old, won't share their secret? Remember that women are always whores it's just a matter of paying enough.) And there's your answer of how to get "astral gold". Space gold is already otherdimensional seen from down here so it fairly easily translates as currency for any other dimension compared to transforming from physical to there.