> aaaaand a hand grabbed me
This was interesting. That place was a sort of element collection facility. The being that was there pulled out a drawer and a blue tube like materia was in it. It had a weird name but he said "it is the element of the sky(ceiling)" With that he touched my head more accurately above my frontal lobe. It hurt like bitch. Then I noticed that I am "fighting it" and I have to let that energy merge with my mind. With that my "mental screen" turned a weird darkish blue and after that a liquid white gold materia started flowing into my brain. That just gave me UHD detailed imagination/vision skills. Still have to manage the flow of this new materia because this is an internal alchemy. I had a problem last days. My mind was like a sort of cloud and the "light" it had was like how the cloud creates lightning and when I fucked up my energy work my vision started to deteriorate. Now this problem is not exactly solved because instead now my head hurts if I fuck up my energy work. I am internalizing a new alchemy yaaayy. 

Also figured out some answers while after going to meditate

> Atoms might be made of thought
Atoms are actually made of thoughts yes. While we can say how thoughts and the physical are all a sort of "materia" of different qualities what I want to talk about is atoms. The idea of atomism came from Leucippus and Democritus but they did not have all these common mainstream theories and devices to be able to perceive them closely which means they either heard this from someone or seen it intuitively. It is important distinction because the false images/interpretations how atoms look and behave creates a mental block while interacting with them. Which means you are forcing the spirit to work with your incomplete understanding and this is why weird things happen.
Imagine yourself to be a baby that is eating a carrot and he is crying because he wants to turn that carrot into a cake. So you get a cake but the carrot is still there so you cry more because no one understands what you want. You got the cake why are you not happy. Do you want a carrot cake yes we can make that but it takes time. What you want the carrot to naturally form into the cake??? The most they can do is make you look away and switch the carrot to a cake without you noticing... Maybe this analogy did not help. I am trying to explain the position of the spirits here while I am aware of your current analytic understanding of reality and I am not sure how to help the bridging further. It most come naturally and I am not sure what I write helps. This questioning nature of things helps the brain try to look for answers and can activate different parts of the brain but sometimes it misses the whole point... Like how most people are absolutely unable to comprehend philosophy while even Marx called it just a mere intellectual masturbation.
What I want to say is that there are switches and built in levers that can move the atoms but at that part you are truly talking to/playing "God" and trying to convince him to change. So you need a perfect connection to the mechanism to be able to control it. Not to mention the first part will be anomalies and not exactly actual control.

> Does not the function of things directly reflect their nature in verb-form?
Also what I meant that "function" was assigned by humans. So the function of copper and gold was far fewer before the appearance of electronics and computers. We still are not aware of the true function of life so if you seek the "metaphysical concept of function" you will reach a human made egregoric concept which is weak instead of the eternally prevailing nature of things. If you seek the nature and all the applications of copper and gold humanity is not (yet) aware of you might find a higher truth that you can apply by yourself but otherwise you will reach the ceiling of an already small building which is the current scientific understanding.
Am not sure this helped at all :|