If atoms are thoughts, shouldn’t they be able to be transformed as thoughts are transformed? But are thoughts transformed or are they just replaced? Transforming a thought could mean transforming the concept of that thought which would transform all instances of the thought.
So altering thoughts in the temporal sphere is rearranging thoughts. So is there any real difference between transforming a carrot into a cake and replacing a carrot with a cake? The origin is different. Does this origin exist outside of the memories of the cake itself, and the memories of those involved in its delivery? These memories can be altered, and are imperfect representations of reality in any case. 

The aesthetics of the delivery? If you switch the carrot-spirit with a cake-spirit, what does this look like? If the carrot vanishes and a cake appears, that seems like transformation. If someone knocks on your door and gives you a cake and you throw away the carrot it doesn’t seem like transformation. Is the end result identical between the two? The meaning behind the arrangement of the spirits seem to be altered in a similar manner. If the meaning is identical, then the aesthetics of how the meaning is presented is the primary difference. But if the meaning is the same, how can the appearance be different? The arrangement of the surrounding meanings (spirits). The “setting”. “Stage arrangements”. The observer being the nucleus of this arrangement. Tying back to internal alchemy.