> If atoms are thoughts, shouldn’t they be able to be transformed as thoughts are transformed
ALL IS MIND you know that axiom already am sure. Thoughts also have different materia levels and purity. To discourse with entities especially higher ones you need to purify your thoughts into something a God can come and "reform" for you so they can give you visions thoughts and concepts to work with. The important thing is once your baseline thoughts become "divine" lower beings are literally unable to "touch" your mind because for them it is an incomprehensible force now. If they want to do anything to you they have to "reach your level". What I meant is that you have to reach the "level" of the "omnipresent background reality spirit" to be able to talk about the "ways of transmutation". The reason why you have to sacrifice for entities and gather different resources is not because that is the entity's "fetish" but because those ingredients usually contain core materials that the entity need to be able to affect reality. I noticed that most grimoires that describe what materia you need to summon the entity already have a bunch of pocket dimensions full with leftover energies of the "offerings" and I just need to tune into that to establish a connection with the entity and the connection is ready.
Also about making the cake. You just put together the ingredients and the "main transformation" is done via the (al)chemical processes of the dough and the heat of the oven. This is also important because you just make the "perfect environment" then the spirit decides if it wants to "humor you". And I say "humor your" because that playful nature is more natural with the spirit than enslaving them so they can "do your bidding". Enslaving the spirits might limit their operation range. But that is complicated. There is a reason why Charisma is the main stat of Paladins and Shamans in tabletop games.
> But are thoughts transformed or are they just replaced
Both can happen and happens all the time as your life progresses. Even the way you can recollect your memories differs with the level of your mental clarity and the same thought can appear differently. A good cook can make good food even from bad ingredients while a bad cook can ruin even the best ingredients. This is why the level of of your skill is important but it is true you have to start somewhere.
> Transforming a thought could mean transforming the concept of that thought which would transform all instances of the thought.
Exactly. You have to purify your concepts. A concept can be made from different thought materials too. Replacing them is hard because you have to understand that you are not your thoughts and not your mind but a background observer force and as easy it sounds experiencing how you replace parts of yourself and reconnect them is... Scary and liberating at once. Depends what you are changing tbh.