> that "physical materia" and "spirit materia" are only differentiated by how they happen to relate to other objects in the environment
This is accurate yes. In the spirit world you will find "physical objects" also. Not everything wants to move and talk all the time like conscious beings with a body. This is why I said they just want to "sleep". If no one spurs them into action then they rarely do anything unnecessary.
> an object bearing the same "existential signature" as the viewer would be perceived as a regular object
Okay this "existential signature" sounds like a nice ass concept but the problem is with "layers". An object might appear differently on an other layer while still being the same. This is the problem that while some object look like regular solids for us it has a high energy movement on an another layer because other spirits interact with it.
> While a differing relationship in existential signature might be an "invisible object" or a "thought". Or perhaps this would result from the signature corresponding to the viewer's 'mind' rather than 'body'.
Yes and this is the funny thing. Your body and your mind can interact with different layers once you become aware of them. But for those you have to develop eyes and "hands" and a "voice" for those layers to be able to interact with. Thoughts and their level of quality and authority can change the whole interaction.

> And an entirely incompatible set of existential signatures may result in two objects being "nonexistent" to one another.
You could say they don't have a relation or a connection aka unable to perceive/interact with each other. Yes. This is why you have to establish a proper working relation with a spirit that has a proper force to "move it". Sometimes you just create a hologram or a visage as a placeholder and don't even manage to reach the necessary layer to "convince it" to change the layer you intend to change. 
Existential layers complicate and connect everything. Once you are able to consciously see them and not just randomly connect to it like an energy charge goes in the "least resistance" but able to direct it to the necessary location it can really change things.

Hope this helps a little instead of creating more conceptual confusion. We are at the level where I have to reread something several time and just to make sure look up the definition of some concepts so I don't mix up things.