> it seems you are ahead of me on your own path
In some regards but I am lacking in others. Always want to talk about but this is a process and sharing it is "nice" but not always necessary and I don't want to create more confusion. Your processes are different and it takes me quite the effort to tune into it. This is why I am visiting fringe to practice my Upaya. Compared to you I lack the experience of talking about spirituality which is bad because it might just turn me into a mage that is far into his own ass in his own kingdom of delusion. If I am unable to help others and understand their problems then my compassion is misaligned. Ofc those who sabotage the enlightenment of others need to be dealt differently than those who seek it. 
> maybe they don't compare very easily at all
Yeah... took me time to realize it we don't awaken to the same abilities. Only tight knit communities with the same genetics and soul origins can do that. We are all different. And that is a god thing. We can all learn from each other.
> it's pointless to talk about
Not pointless but extremely hard to not make it look like we are arguing or nitpicking each other's ways and most importantly don't create more confusion in the process. We both doing our own thing and sharing all of them is not necessary. It was weird yesterday. Was thinking about my own concept how 2 "warring" sides interact and how you can manage those forces and as I felt a need to put it into words a girl similar looking as the sunflower module you later posted yesterday appeared and made an :o face but it had small cat ears. The things we do gets shared when our abilities "compare" naturally it seems. 

> the ability vs how you handle your own area. My area is a completely different thing so I have to do completely different things to control it
Yeah. And yes the "area"... your area only getting the "Big brother" now. We had that since the Habsburgs... then the Commies... and now the Globetards. You have to deal with the most entitled brainwashed retards while I just have to connect to the rage everyone feels around me and make sure it "goes through". We don't have a problem with authority. We have a problem with retards in charge thinking they own the world and saying 
> stop being entitled
while personally sabotaging every aspect of life. The farmer protest is still within acceptable measures for them and I am not sure how it will play out. At least it makes the brainwashed leftist jump out so they can hate those who own their own means of production and make sure the food arrives on their shelves that they buy from government funds. I feel a sorry for them but my hatred is still stronger and will crack their entire persona when they appear front of me. Maybe they were the flies? Flies don't really contribute to food they just "spoil" it so they can reproduce in shit. They spit on the food so they can digest it. Literally how leftists take over institutions so they can ruin it (to their level) then they enjoy a minor part of it then let the other parts "rot". Huh.