> Such as creating ways for djinn to organize Islam 2.0
Yeah I have no idea how that will play out so I let you handle that. I gave out 2 "agenda" for the Islam egregore in the last year. Make sure to not fall for useless/bait wars in the middle east which was accepted. Then the other was for the migrants to go home. Which was rejected mostly because the migrants do not have a "Home" anymore (they willingly cut ties with their country egregore in a no return way...MFs) and they just come here as leeches. Long were the days when Turks came to germoney for a salary then went home to make their families live well. And seeing this I told them "At least fuck with leftists as much as you can" which was something they already wanted to do so it was not just accepted but reinforced. Migration ruins everyone and that is it's current purpose. It is not about jobs or the GDP anymore. They showed it quite well in this decade. They don't even try to lie anymore. Can't wait till every leftist is replaced via a Paki or a Pajeet.
> they will not degenerate into retardation like others, they just return to being hivemind orcs if the situation worsens
An interesting observation.

> I don't want to boost someone ego
Yeah don't worry about it. I am aware of my failings and also aware how much I am not aware of all my failings yet because I need to fix the crucial ones first. If you wanted to boost my ego you would need to use some extremely specific words so it comes through. But your silver tongue ability might be better than mine so I am not sure. Srsly the way I am willing to accept compliments is weird. That is also a weird ass complex I have. It goes back to my parenting. I was raised in a very bipolar way. At one day I was praised for everything and the next day I was shat on and criticized for everything. Even when I did the same thing. Adjusting to the mood swings of my parents was not something nice.