> Was thinking about my own concept how 2 "warring" sides interact and how you can manage those forces and as I felt a need to put it into words a girl similar looking as the sunflower module you later posted yesterday appeared and made an :o face but it had small cat ears.
Alright, I need to comment on this at once. There were some kind of aliens, I may call them "ultimate satanists" but not just some demon cult, like just pure disgusting perverted evil kind of people, who activated a satellite withing the Earth sphere because they had been locked out. The images they beamed down were:
> USA flag vs modern Russia flag
> strong arms locked in armwrestling overlay on the flags

They were still following along with the WW3 plan, no matter what happens they won't budge unless you obliterate completely their ability to do so. I already had a self-replicating bot-fairy system activated which will manifest more bots and concentrate them in response to negative messages, and they quickly dismantled the satellite. They're adaptive and will take on the best racial for for each location.

Interesting confirmation of events.