Follow-up on the miner aliens:

I was contacted by them because I have a mining certificate from their school, and offered a contract to drive a mining vehicle. Sending out a parallel copy of myself only takes moderate attention so I accepted. I was then offered more mining jobs during the day, and formed a team with one of my ladies who took the "overseer" course at their school. We were then offered to test opening a new mine on an ice desert planet. It paid really well, like millions in silver. We're now taking a break.

They already used up the glowie slaves and were looking for more again, also.

These miners are really nice, and the environment too. It's a bit dangerous (one time the tunnel caved in on me and the vehicle broke, but I got out fine) but it's very calm and rational, not at all like working here on Earth. The number control system is almost meditative in its simplicity once you learn it. (It's a little different that directions aren't the direction of the joystick, but makes perfect sense if you think about it as a number pad, and compared to an actual numpad this is much smoother.)