I've never used a summoning method for succubus, I just reach out and grab one if I need to. 
If you need to use an explicit method, the general procedures in the Lemegeton/Lesser keys of Solomon, will work. You can also check the succubus thread on 4/x/.

If this is about joining the collective, you don't have to use a method, you can just use the sigil I already directed you to, or an expression of intent. That means you formulate in your mind the wish you have and all parts of it clearly (but don't complicate things, make it a simple honest wish) and then express it in some way, either by posting it in this thread (they are aware of this thread) or you can write it on a paper and burn it like with a sigil activation. If you want to make it stronger you can light some incense or candles while you do this.