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Can't believe it. The kitsune literally explained last year that this is what the young kitsune do when they are still unable to fight or live independently but able to use at least the form of a young girl. They pretend to be injured lost or helpless and try to attract a kind male. If they are willing to help the kitsune they stay with them if they are trying to exploit a weak little girl they run away and play pranks on them as long they are satisfied. And the anime I put on backlog for years just had that helpless kitsune trope. Coincidences huh

We had this vision in Lain and we were supposed to get this with Google glasses already. Shame it looks absolutely lame and retarded. It has a 90% flop rate already and I hope they make something less obnoxiously redundant. Why is it so hard to make the regular scifi half eye holographic thing and why did technology had to devolve into mandatory spywareism. I was so hopeful about VR in my youth and I am getting more and more tech-apathetic as the years go by. Especially because getting visions on command and visiting other worlds takes less effort than setting up a VR and playing Beat Saber or Tabletop Sim. /v/ called it a gimmick at launch and nowadays they stopped calling it because everyone bought one and either got bored of it or became a VR porn junkie or decided that they will never buy one. WHY IS IT SO HARD TO PROPERLY DEVELOP THIS TECH. Instead of getting a smart interface for every tech we get redundant social features and let's not talk about how Metaverse managed to look worse than second life and VRchat far outclasses it. I should let go of this attachment already but it's like I am an alcoholic that is not drinking for years but always looks at the alcohol shelves and sees how not a single alcohol improved and while he wants to "drink" for the old times sake the current booze doesn't even worth it. Can't believe my technooptimism went into a sort of "cybershamanism" where I care about the cyber part less and less as the days go by.