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thumbnail of schizo pictures.png
schizo pictures png
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> bot and the glowie presence on the internet is an another thing but people too can miss the point. But in the end "nothing ever happens" especially if you are not (even passively) making it happen
That narrative is so worn out by now. /pol/ at least collectively knows how to spot this goalpost moving tactic. So Covid happened and lockdowns happened and schizo anti-vaxxers were proven right when it was mandated. But "nothing happened" because no government admitted that it was a bio-weapon. Then lots of people got vaccine injuries, over 1 million according to the official website for the EU by the time I stopped checking it. But no mainstream media outlet mentioned this so "nothing happened". Then we had Ukraine war but the west told Ukraine to not adhere to the peace agreement they signed with Russia on day 3, but to keep fighting, and all males in 2 generations of Ukrainians are now dead, but "nothing happened".

Then Hamas did a surprise attack on Israel and they overreacted like the actual world schizos and are now openly genociding women and children in Gaza, but USA hasn't said it's genocide so "nothing happened".
